Mark Barbre attended the Federal Bar Association's Capitol Hill Day and Leadership Summit in D.C. on April 28-30, 2022.

Mark Barbre attended the Federal Bar Association's Capitol Hill Day and Leadership Summit in D.C. on April 28-30, 2022.
March 5, 2024

From April 28th through April 30th, Mark Barbre was in Washington D.C. attending the Federal Bar Association's Capitol Hill Day and Leadership Summit.

Capitol Hill Day (CHD) is a motivating and mobilizing event in which FBA leaders and members educate Congress about the foremost legislative issues affecting the federal legal community and federal courts.  Mark was able to meet with Sen. Bill Cassidy and Sen. John Kennedy’s counsel for the U.S. Senate Committee on the Judiciary to lobby, for among other issues, judicial security measures and increased federal judgeships.

For the Leadership Summit, as FBA Vice-President for the 5th Circuit, Mark participated in educational and leadership training for advancing FBA leaders from across the country.